Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Technologically Deprived

It's funny how we get accustomed to, even dependent upon, technology that perhaps we didn't even know existed a few years ago.

Our home server has crashed. The hard drive is ka-put. This server runs our Myth TV and my scanner, both of which I'm missing very much at the moment. For those of you who are Linux impaired, Myth TV is basically an opensource (i.e. free) version of TiVo or Direct TV. I've lost all the shows that I'd recorded and lined up to watch in my "free" time. And now while I'm stuck with daytime TV, I can't even capture whatever creations I might art up because my scanner is incapacitated too!

Monday, November 3, 2008


So this isn't a very interesting, personal life story, illustrated sort of post....but I've been thinking a lot about Etsy lately. I'm absolutely going to open a shop there. Actually, I've already set up a shop, but I haven't listed anything for sale yet.

It's kind of funny really that I've developed such an interest in the site. When I sold my ACEOs on Ebay and was active in the ATC/ACEO groups there, I saw several references to Etsy, especially as Ebay fees increased (again and again). I remember looking it up and being completely unimpressed and a little confused. Now that I've revisited it, I've purchased a few things, considered opening a shop, and my favorite things list keeps growing and growing! I can spend an hour browsing around without even noticing the time....